Learn about Land Stewardship in our Township Parks on February 23

As most of you know and appreciate, Oakland Township has a fantastic Park System that is the envy of many other Townships and Communities. The care of the land is not just a matter of letting “nature do its thing”. An understanding of the things necessary for the land to reflect its original ‘native’ character is something that requires good planning and hard work. Without this work, various invasive species would take over the character of the land.

Fortunately Oakland Township has a very knowledgable person that works for the Parks Commission who develops the stewardship plans and supervises this work for our Parklands.

If you want to learn more about how this work is done, and its positive impact on our Parklands, please come to a special meeting scheduled for 7PM on February 23 at the Oakland Township Hall on Collins Road.

Our township Natural Areas Stewardship Manager, Dr. Ben VanderWeide, will be discussing stewardship as it applies to 2022 in our parks.

1 thought on “Learn about Land Stewardship in our Township Parks on February 23

  1. Diana Noone

    Ben is so amazing- he knowledge of native plants and the workshops he organizes every year are great. Oakland Township is luck to have him.


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